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About HotKitch.com

Hotkitch.com is where you can find the best stove buying guides, wood stove reviews, gas stove reviews and electric stove reviews. Our team does lots of research to ensure that our guides are up-to-date and accurate. Our team do lots of research manually and then compares it with other websites’ reviews.
Our Mission

Our goal is to provide you the best information about stoves so that you can make an informed decision. We offer detailed product specifications, ratings, customer reviews, comparisons with other brands and much more for each product we feature.

We Have Three Core Values
Quality and Reliability
Our team do lots of research before we publish any reviews. Our reviews provide after checking each stove manually before they go live on our site, so you know they’re accurate and unbiased.
User Experience
We want our users to have a great experience when browsing our website, so we try to ensure all content is easy to read and understand.
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We are Amazon affiliates and receive a commission from Amazon whenever someone buys something through us using their link!