Wood Stove Maintenance:
✔ Replace worn gaskets yearly on air-tight stoves.
• Be sure stove is cold.
• Wear protective gloves and eye protection.
• Protect work area with a drop cloth.
• Use a screwdriver or scraper to remove old gasket and clean door channels down to bare metal.
• Apply a bead of gasket cement in door channel.
• Press new gasket into wet cement and close door to check for airtight fit.
• Trim gasket as needed.
• Clean up all cement spills or excess immediately with wet cloth.
5/8″ Diameter Rope Gasket
84″ Long (7-feet)
Has a service rating to 1000° F (538° C)
Excellent thermal endurance and chemical resistance (pH range 4-9)
Will not absorb water or attract mold/mildew
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